Truck Accident Lawyer Houston Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Lawyer Houston Texas Truck Accident Lawyer The issue of poor maintenance is almost always present in every truck accident or bus accident or van accident or whatever commercial vehicle

Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

The issue of poor maintenance is almost always present in every truck accident or bus accident or van accident or whatever commercial vehicle it happens to be, it's almost ever present. The maintenance issues ride with the truck company and with the trucker. The trucker has, is the ultimate sort of buck stops with him, and before he gets on the road, he has a duty to make sure that there's nothing improperly maintained on his truck which can cause an accident. The, the issues of maintenance go to brakes, they go to proper greasing of equipment, they go to steering, hydraulic fluids, air pressures, load, has to do a pre-trip inspection to make sure that any maintenance issues that would be detected upon reasonable inspection will be detected before he gets on the road. Some, as I've indicted in other videos, some companies have a maintenance program and some do not.

Some just wait for the driver to say hey, you know, I lost my brakes the other day. And so hopefully they get the brakes fixed. We believe that a trucking company or any company involved in utilizing vehicles to do, get from point A to point B with either passengers or property, we believe should have a maintenance program and it should be followed to the T. Improper maintenance is often found in owner/operator situations. That is where one driver owns one truck, let's say a cement truck or a dump truck, and, you know, he just, that's their livelihood. And so rather than keeping their livelihood up to snuff, they let it go improperly maintained. And so they kind of work around it, for instance bad brakes, the brakes need to be fixed or replaced. But instead of spending the money, what they do is they try to stop their vehicle a little sooner, it gives them a longer distance. Well sometimes they don't make the right judgments.

And then that happens, obviously rear end can, can occur. Or if you're worse yet on an interstate you can have a multiple-car accident. So, improper maintenance is oftentimes negligence and a cause of accidents. Gordon & Elias L.L.P. Truck Accident Attorneys at Law Call Toll Free 1-800-773-6770